City of Columbus 
Can't cut off a chicken's head on Sunday.
It is illegal to carry a chicken
by it's feet down Broadway on Sunday.

City of Gainesville
Chicken must be eaten with the hands.

Town of Quitman
It is illegal for a chicken to cross the road.

Citizens may not enter Wisconsin with a
chicken on their head.


It is a violation of city code to sell
chicks or ducklings to a
minor within 1 week of the Easter holiday. 


It's illegal to sell fewer than 24 ducklings
at a time before May 1, or to sell rabbits,
chicks, or ducklings that have been
painted a different color.
Town of Clawson 
There is a law that makes it legal for a
farmer to sleep with his pigs, cows,
horses, goats, and chickens.
This one I understand !! 


City of Key West
Chickens are considered a
'protected species'.
Been there ... it's true.

City of Kenilworth 
A rooster must step back three
hundred feet from any residence if
he wishes to crow.
Hens that wish to cackle must step
two hundred feet back
from any residence.

The Big Chicken Marietta GA
The Big Chicken Marietta GA
Chick with Big Knockers
Chick with Big Knockers
Crispy fried KFC
Crispy fried KFC
Chicken Alley Asheville
Chicken Alley Asheville
Fresh Eggs Today
Fresh Eggs Today
Rooster Roadster
Rooster Roadster
Robbinsville Texico Big Chicken
Robbinsville Texico Big Chicken
Chicken Hot Tub
Chicken Hot Tub
No Diesel Fried Chicken for us
No Diesel Fried Chicken for us
Man with Big Cock
Man with Big Cock
Chicken Picnic
Chicken Picnic
Goats on the Roof
Goats on the Roof
Appropriate Today
Appropriate Today
Famous Swimming Chicken
Famous Swimming Chicken
Sexy Chicken
Sexy Chicken